Friday, May 16, 2008


Hi guys...
On Wednesday, i watched one of the most boring movies in my life, 'Julius Caesar' by Shakespeare. It was black and white and outright boring. Thank God my Literature teacher stopped playing it before it ended. She knew it was killing us!

On Thursday, me and Khairul had to wait for about 30 minutes for the bus. It was one of those rare days when i get to go home early ( i go back at between 2.30 and 4.00 every school day) and the bus wouldnt come... damn annoying. When u dont need them, thats when all the buses seem to come!

Today, it was ok. Me, Adrian and Yap went to the Coffee Bean. We had a great time joking around and having fun. I met my previous schoolmate, Constantine on the way home. He is in KL now on an American transfer program. lucky fellow, gets to go to US Western Michigan Uni in two years.

Nothing else interesting happened.

And ya, I was playing my guitar for 3 hrs yesterday. Had Sooooooooo.... much of fun.....! Hahahaha!

Learning a new song...

Signing off.. Ajay