Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Another year goes by......

Today will be the last day of 2008 and i am looking forward towards the year 2009.
Lets look back at what i have done in the year 2008 :)

  • Got 7 O's in O Levels exam.
  • Got a new laptop
  • Went into Maktab Duli
  • Met lots of new friends :D
  • Joined a football team and get thrash in the MD league :P
  • Joined a basketball team and manage to become champion.
  • Got kicked out from the library for the first time :P
  • Did my very first computer program
  • Done a podcast
  • Manege good grades throughout the whole semester :D
  • Have a taste of A Levels for the very first time (It was tough)
  • Turned 18
  • Bought a PS3
Thats basically what i did throughout the whole year. Most importantly, meeting new friends was the best part. Without you guys, college wouldn't be fun at all. You guys are the rockstars that have rock 2008!! =D In exactly 12hours later, the year 2008 will come to an end.

For the year 2009, i must :
  • Study hard (activate full time hardcore nerd mode)
  • Play less :(
  • Exercise more :P
  • Get good grades in A Levels
Theres my New Year's resolution. :) This post may be short and boring ( Like always)but i will try to make it a more exciting post ya :P Till then.

Happy New Year!!!
*Starts playing 'The Final Countdown'*

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Thanks Wall E for shooting me =.=
Now i'll do this tag then.

Q.whats the relationship between you and her?
- Whose her? Just good friends i guess :)
Q.5 impressions towards her?
> beautiful.
> smart
> kind

Q.the most memoriable thing that she said to you?

Q.the most memoriable thing she had done to you?
- Hmmm....I forgot :( Sorry

Q.if she becomes your lover, you will,
- Be happy?:P

Q.if she becomes your enemy, you will
- Retaliate back

Q.if she becomes your love, she has to improve on..
- Nothing. She's already perfect :D

Q.if she becomes your enemy, the reason is..
- Maybe i didn't buy her Hello Panda biscuits.:P

Q.the most desirable thing to do on her is?
- Make her happy :D

Q.the overall impression on her is?
- Hot and Sexy just like her favourite quote :D do you think people around you feel about you?
- I dunno. What do u guys think?

Q.the characther about you yourself?
- Giant :D

Q.on contray, the character yourself that you hate?
- The fats in my tummy :(

Q.the most ideal person you want to be is?
- Myself. Nothing beats the original :D

10 people you tag,
8.Hazim Halim

who is no 2 having relationship with?
- I dunno. Ask her yourself :D

no 3 is a male or a female?

if no 7 & 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
- Gay relation i guess. HAHAHAHA

no 5 and 8?
- I dunno.

no 1 studying about?
-Interior design

is no4 single?
-Ya!!! So hurry up lads before another stooge ask her out :D

say something about no6?
- He's like Gary Neville